Surveys can be helpful tools to gather user information when they initially sign up or feedback after they have used the service for a specific time period.
If you want to send out a survey on a specific date or ask questions that have logic or go beyond multiple-choice, we recommend using a secondary service (our favorite is SurveyMonkey) to gather patron responses.
Here are some ways you can use Beanstack to gather this data if you choose to set up the survey elsewhere:
- Include a link to the survey within an announcement you set up to go to people in their weekly/bi-weekly email recommendations. Note: for Premium service only.
- Include a link to the survey in your challenge description using HTML.
- Export a “reader report” for all readers associated with a particular program. Copy/paste those emails and send a message with your survey to those folks on your email provider (like Constant Contact).
- Create an activity that is called “End of Summer Survey,” and link to your survey. People will be on the honor system and may mark as complete when done.