These are some of the frequently used terms and phrases on Beanstack sites and in our Help Center, in both English and in Spanish.
Account Creator/Creador de Cuenta: This is the person who is the "owner" of the account and who logs in with their credentials.
Achievement/Logro: Global congratulatory badges that pop up as a surprise reward for individual readers when they achieve certain reading goals that are not connected to challenges, like adding their first friend, logging their first book, reading on a holiday, etc. Achievements are determined by the central Beanstack team in groups that can be activated or deactivated on a site-by-site basis by your library administrator.
Activity Badge/Insignia de Actividad: A series of activities, often based on a specific subject or theme or for a particular challenge. These used to be referred to as learning tracks.
Badge/Insignias: Virtual rewards for certain milestones within challenges. Badges are the key to Beanstack's gamification of reading. We recommend including 12 to 30 badges in a monthlong or seasonal challenge.
Badge Group/Grupo de Insignias: A set of badges around a particular theme that you can see and use when setting up a challenge. Beanstack provides dozens of ready-made badge groups or you can design, upload, and group your own!
Bingo Reading Challenges/Desafíos de Lectura de Bingo: A reading challenge with badges arranged on a 5x5, 4x4, or 3x3 bingo card. Completing a row, column, or diagonal line of badges earns readers the bingo badge to complete the challenge. Completing all the badges on the card can earn readers a full card badge, if included in the challenge.
Book List/Lista de Libros: A great way to recommend several books all at once! They can be based on a specific topic, theme, age group, or grade level.
Book Reviews/Reseñas de Libros: Readers are able to write a review of what they have read and logged in their Beanstack reading log. Before a review displays in the reviews section on the front end of a site, it must first be approved by a library administrator.
Certificates/Certificados: Pre-created certificates that display customizable text and badge artwork and can be attached to badges within a challenge and awarded to readers when they earn those badges.
Challenge/Desafío: A seasonal and/or ongoing reading program such as summer reading, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, and adult and teen book clubs.
Client Success Simulator/Simulador del Éxito del Cliente: A quality assurance tool for your site that checks specific settings within your site's registration options, setup choices, and challenges to ensure the best experience for your patrons and staff while also maintaining a wide range of personalization. The simulator is always available in the admin dashboard.
Drawing/Sorteo: A drawing picks a prizewinner from a group of readers that meet a certain set of qualifiers, like logging at least 600 minutes in a time period, completing certain badges in a challenge, or putting tickets toward a specific ticket drawing prize option.
Ebook Reading Challenges/Desafíos de Lectura de Ebooks: A type of reading list challenge available for purchase by school partners. Created in partnership with Lerner Publishing Group, they give students access to curated and leveled book collections on captivating themes, with perpetual simultaneous use license.
Events/Eventos: A one-time or regularly planned happening at your library.
Friends/Amistades: Readers can add other readers on their organization's Beanstack site as friends (after accepting a privacy notice). Friends can then view each other's reading logs and statistics, challenge histories, and recent reading progress.
Groups/Grupos: Groups of readers, like daycares and camps, that are all the same age/grade and are logging reading together. Group accounts have one login for the entire group, not for each individual member, and are intended for one person, like a counselor, to log reading for all the readers. Groups can be set up to log "all at one time," which means the account creator logs the same reading and activities for the group all at once and all readers earn badges and incentives at the same time, or "individually," which means the account creator logs reading for each reader in the group separately, so they all earn badges and incentives at different times.
Insights/Perspectivas: A dynamic, at-a-glance, and customizable dashboard that provides an easy way to view your site data.
Landing Page/Página de Destino: The billboard for your Beanstack site, where new readers land when they navigate to your URL. You can use it to advertise current and upcoming challenges, give general information, display reviews or sponsors, highlight a community reading goal, and more.
Leaderboards/Tablas de Clasificación: An individualized list ranking the top readers from among a reader's friends, either for the current week or the last 30 days.
Log Type/Tipo de Registro: Different ways in which someone might be tracking reading and earning logging badges. Log types include days, minutes, books, and pages.
Offline Reader/Lector Fuera de Línea: An account for an individual reader who will never log in to Beanstack themselves, like a patron who turns in paper reading logs at the library to participate in a challenge.
Points/Puntos: An optional and customizable site-wide tabulation system that awards a set point value for each action a reader takes. For instance, logging 10 minutes of reading could be worth 1 point, logging 1 book could be worth 50 points, and so on. This allows readers to complete a combination of different activities to achieve different levels in a choose-your-own-adventure-style challenge. Those different levels are marked in a points challenge with points badges.
Reader/Lector: The person on an account who is enrolled in a challenge and logging reading or activities. There may be more than one reader attached to the account. The account creator and reader could also be the same person. For example, if an adult or teen signs up to participate in a challenge, they will create an account and register themselves as a reader, too. On the other hand, a parent might sign up a child and not themselves. In that case, the parent is the account creator, and the child is the reader.
Reading Fundraisers/Recaudación de Fondos de Lectura: A combined reading challenge and fundraising drive. Once a reading fundraiser is live, students and teachers can share their fundraising page, log their reading, complete fundraising activities, win prizes, and accumulate donations to earn badges and help reach the school's fundraising goal. Currently available exclusively on school sites, reading fundraisers will be available for libraries in 2022.
Reading List Challenges/Desafíos de Listas de Lectura: Challenges based on logging reading for a specific list of titles. Readers must log reading from the titles included in the list in order to earn logging badges and progress in the challenge.
Reading Timer/Temporizador de Lectura: When enrolled in a minutes-logging challenge on the web or when using the mobile app, readers can start a timer to track their reading session in real-time and then log those minutes.
Reading Validation Challenges/Desafíos de Validación de Lectura: A specific type of reading list challenge that requires students to log specific titles to earn logging badges and progress in the challenge. In a reading validation challenge, students must answer reading comprehension questions correctly to log included titles as complete.
Repeatable Activity Badge/Insignia de Actividad Repetible: Activity badges that are only available in points challenges that allow readers to complete an activity and earn its corresponding points an unlimited number of times.
Reports/Reportes: Digestable, on-demand spreadsheets of your site's data showing participation in specific challenges, overall registration numbers, statistics for earned badges, and a number of other data-points.
Reward/Premio: A prize received for earning a badge. A reward can be attached to any badge within a challenge.
Short Stacks Reading Challenges/Desafíos de Lectura de Contenido Original: A type of reading list challenge that features original content directly in the challenge. Also called an original content challenge, they feature multiple short and snappy stories—called Short Stacks—and teaching materials on engaging, nonfiction, and curriculum-aligned topics for grades 3–5.
Streak/Racha: The number of consecutive days a reader logs reading (minutes, books, pages, or days). Streaks can only be earned for reading (not for activities or reviews) and take into account backdated reading.
Tandem Connection/Conexión Tándem: When local libraries and schools both use Beanstack, they can set up a tandem connection so that readers can link their profiles on both sites. Linked readers can see and participate in challenges from both organizations and seamlessly switch between the two. And once linked, reading logged on one site automatically transfers to the other.
Template/Plantilla: A template is a challenge made by the central Beanstack team that is ready for you to implement on your site. You may use the template as-is or tailor it to your site's needs.
Tickets/Boletos: Any amount of virtual tickets can be attached to badges within a challenge during challenge setup. Once registered readers earn a badge and its corresponding tickets, they can deposit them toward prize drawing options within the challenge, just like they would put tickets toward physical baskets or raffles in the library.
View Reader Experience/Ver Experiencia del Lector: The tab on the right side of a staff member's admin page that takes them to that account's view as a patron. It does not mean you can see the view of the reader whose page you have pulled up to view. Rather, it is your account's view as a reader.
Weighted Drawing/Sorteo Ponderado: Weighted drawings give readers an additional entry for each badge earned or unit read above the minimum required for drawing eligibility, so that more participation increases readers’ chances of winning. An unweighted drawing gives every qualifying reader an equal chance of winning.