This article will show you how to create a new account for a group. A group is for five or more readers of the same age/grade, like within a daycare or camp, and is intended for use when one person, like a counselor, is logging reading for multiple readers. Group accounts do not create logins for each individual group member, but rather create one login for the entire group.
Family or individual accounts are different from group accounts. Families should sign up for one account with multiple readers, and not a group. And keep in mind that groups cannot be created within an existing family or individual account; a new group account must be created instead.
Follow the instructions below to register a group:
- Log in to your administrative view and navigate to People > Add an Account Creator and Reader.
- Enter the group leader's name and information in the "Basic Info" section, including all required fields. Remember, the account creator is the person who will be logging in and logging reading.
- Under “Who is this account for?” select "A Group" and then select how the group will log reading and activities.
- "All at one time" means the account creator will log the same reading and activities for the group all at once and the entire group will earn badges and incentives at the same time. All readers must have the same age/grade.
- "Individually" means the account creator intends to log reading for each reader individually and each reader will earn badges and incentives at different times. Readers' age/grade can be updated after group creation.
- In the "Group Info" section, populate the fields with the group information. These default selections will be assigned to all readers associated with the group. For those logging individually, they will be able to update the information for each reader, like the age, later.
- Click "Create Account."
Note that the default password is "beanstack." If you want to change the password, go to People > Find a Person. Then, search for the account that you just created and click "Edit" next to the account creator name. From there, enter the new password and save.