Community goals allow you to create a school-wide reading goal on your Beanstack site where all readers reading contribute to reaching your milestone. Our data shows that students log twice as many reading minutes when their Beanstack site has a community goal.
Follow these simple steps below to set up or edit a community goal on your site, and for more information on setting a district-wide goal, please refer to this article.
How to Set or Edit Your Community Goal
- From the admin dashboard, navigate to Setup > Community Goal
Determine the goal type (Date range or Ongoing), the log type (e.g., Minutes or Books) you would like to apply for your goal, and the goal you would like to reach. If you select a date range goal, you will also have the ability to set the start and end dates for your goal and select whether or not you would like to display the number of days remaining for your goal on your landing page.
Note: If you add a date range to your goal, your statistics will appear on the start date. Anything logged before or after those dates does not count.
Tip: We recommend minutes—it's the most equitable log type among ages and abilities! For guidance on how to determine the right goal for your community, refer to this article. - Click "Save" or "Update" to apply the new goal to your site.
How to Display Your Community Goal on Your Landing Page
- From the admin dashboard, navigate to Setup > Landing Page > Landing Page Content.
- Scroll down to Would you like to show your community goal? and select Yes.
Fill in the information for the Header, Subheader, Hashtag Header, and Hashtag. This copy appears alongside the goal on the landing page.
- Populate the Post-goal Header and Post-goal Subheader to customize language that will update when you reach your community goal.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save."
Please Note: The data powering the community goal statistics displayed on your landing page and administrator dashboard is not pulled from a specific report. Instead, our system assesses each unique reading session and compiles a total every 2 hours.