On tandem connected school and library sites, linking readers and breaking tandem links is all controlled on the reader side. On the admin side, you can tell which individual readers have active tandem links by following the steps below.
- Log in with a staff account or higher and navigate to Classes and Readers > Students > View Students
- Search for the linked reader, and click on their name.
- On their reader profile, a link icon appears next to the reader's name if they have a Tandem connection.
- You can also view a full report of the readers tandemed with a library by navigating to Reports > Participation and selecting the Library Tandem Connected Readers. This will provide a list of all readers who have connected their school account with their library account.
- Note: library administrators can also see to which school a reader is tandem linked by viewing their reader information. Access this information by clicking the quick-action "Edit Reader" pencil icon in the search results of the Find a Person page or by clicking "Actions" and then "Edit Information" on their reader profile page. You cannot view specific library information from the school admin side.