The quickest, easiest way to get an overview of how much your students are reading is through your Insights Leaderboard. Follow these steps to get an at-a-glance look at your students' reading progress.
- Log in to your admin dashboard and navigate to Insights > Leaderboards.
- Set your timeframe and log type, leave the second dropdown set to "Readers Overall," and select "Reader" as the data you'd like to view, rather than "Grade or Classroom." Then set any other settings, like subjects, grades, and teacher, and click "Update Leaderboard."
- You then see all the readers who logged during that time period, listed from most reading logged to least. There are 10 students listed per page, so you can click "Next" or "Last" at the bottom of the page to cycle through the readers. And keep in mind that, because this only shows readers who logged during that time period, there may be less students listed than are rostered to a selected teacher, since those who didn't log are omitted.
- You can click any student's name to view their reader profile and all their reading details.
- Back on the Insights Leaderboard, you can download the data as a CSV file onto your local device by clicking the download icon next to the "Update Leaderboard" button.