When your school enables the Friends and Leaderboards feature, any staff member, including teachers, clerks, and media specialists, can add other adult staff members as friends in Beanstack. Once the other staff member accepts your friend request, you can view each others' reading logs, progress, and stats, as well as compete on a reading leaderboard.
Staff can add students as friends if the Allow Student-Teacher Friends setting is turned on from the Setup > Reading Integrity Settings page. Follow the steps below to start adding your coworkers as friends and competing with them on your leaderboard!
- Log in and click "View Reader Experience."
- Once on the reader side, click the "Friends" tab.
- Click "Invite Friends" and accept the privacy notice.
- Begin typing the staff member's name into the "Friend name" field, select the accurate profile, and then click "Invite Friend."
- You can click "Send Another" to continue sending friend invitations. Once done, all your newly invited friends appear on individual friend cards with the tag "Pending Invite."
- The requested friend(s) receive a friend invitation notice when they next log in, which they can accept or decline. If they accept, they also need to confirm the privacy notice.
- If they accept your invite, the tag is replaced with their current streak status and you can click on the friend card to view their reading progress, challenges, and log. And when you click over to the Leaderboard tab, they also appear in ranked order on the leaderboard.
If they decline your invite, their friend card disappears.